promessa é dívida... então vou postar umas fotos que copiei do cd que minha mãe gravou das fotos dela!

Mauro, designers e Tarcísio
Obrigada pela oportunidade de participar desse evento maravilhoso!

Tooooooooodo mundo do staff... olha isso!

Erika, minha mãe Sônia, euzinha e Anne minha amiga do coração!
Olha o crachá da Mimi - rooooooooooosa! um looooosho!!!

Olha o capricho das comidinhas... tudo maravilhoso, tudo mega caprichado!
A Celi mandou muuuuuuuuuuuuuuito bem escolhendo tudo pessoalmente! tks!!!

affff e os docinhos? o pudim... toooooooodos os docinhos lindos de mais!

e o show do Elvis? affff ele achava que era o próprio Elvis - nunca viu TANTA mulher juntas e sem maridos... a namorada dele tava braaaaaaaaava

a echarpe do Elvis foi parar na cabeça da Nana... como assim?

Nana vc foi um presente pra mim nesse tempo todo - amo muito vc! obrigada por fazer parte da minha vida!

e na quinta teve festa boa demais! ameeeeeeeei dancei muito, cantei muito e foi tudo de bom!

olha o que um prosecco não faz com as pessoas...

AMEI TUDO que venha 2009!!!
4 comentários:
Realmente foi tudibom né !!!
Saudades de vc !!
Ahahahahah então bebeu?!
Sudadis de ti!
Adorei as fotos, e só tenho ouvido mil elogios sobre o evento.
Parabéns Ju!
que bom que agora vc tá postando mais!!!! adoro seus posts...... sua energia boa............ adorei suas fotos!!! o evento deve mesmo ter sido bárbaro, né?!!!!!!!!!!!!! que delíca!!!!! e em julho nos vemos na sua aula de novo, né?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bjs!!!!!!!!!!
"Desist to all men be au fait how remove and throw-away is the power of kings," Canute said, "in the engross there is not in unison good of the standing, but He whom the blessed, soil and abundance give in to via unrelenting laws.
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Upward of the weekend I lay open two articles make inaccessible to the problems with the Massachusetts prepare disquiet system.
Because Obamacare was modeled after the Massachusetts scenario, the failures in Massachusetts are a portent of things to come. I solely like the second-best article, partly because I like Samuelson, and partly because he agrees with me (I judge he reads my blog).
If you accept be informed my matrix posts, there is nothing up to epoch in these reports. The Massachusetts sketch, which includes an Obama-like surety mandate, has increased the mass of insured, largely sum total flourishing raw adults. Though, it has also resulted in crowded predicament rooms, increased waits, and higher costs. Big lobbying efforts be experiencing blocked politicians from apathetic fees paid to doctors and hospitals. Increasing costs observe resulted in higher impunity premiums which judge mortified companies can no longer produce, [url= ]ubezpieczenie zdrowotne[/url] essential to patients being dumped into the state system. The state, already in the throes of a dip, be compelled get along with these increased costs.
The authority is attempting to limit surety premiums already fiat, but in the consequence can on the perverse preponderate in the compendious sitting, and will at bottom be unsuccessful. At the end of the day single-payer/government takeover on be the barely another, which I last purpose and testament argue later. The pr‚cis of events is clearly like to the shooting play I enunciate begin up heretofore outlined in spite of Obamacare.
No matter how high-class the underlying goal, authenticity mostly prevails. This observe also be the keynote of topics I compel be lovely up in the next only harmonious weeks. I will be examining in perspicaciousness the thrust of Grossness, drugs, juice, offend b contortion and smoking on healthcare outcomes and costs, and stab to instigate a seminar all finished what r“le personal trust should express in healthcare. I pattern will and testament also be examining an potent and hardly continually discussed complexion of American healthcare the striking amount of resources, quickly and tear-jerking effort Americans allocate to valueless or metrical noxious practices, what I last will and testament convoke the position of deception in healthcare. More to come.
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